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Cans Challenge 26th September 2015

You may recall we planned a Cans Challenge in the Solent in late May, unfortunately due to extremely low numbers, we had to cancel the event – can’t have a competition with only one entry right!

We understand that you are all our enjoying your boats and that’s how we want it to stay, so we thought perhaps we would try a different time of the season, when perhaps you are not so busy.

So, we’d like to try again to hold a Cans Challenge on the last weekend of September (26th).

The program would be the same as before, meet up in the morning here at Hamble Point Marina (we can help with berthing fees), head out to the Solent for some fun around the cans, back to the marina for some refreshments and prizes.

As you can see from the picture, we have a stunning cup to give the winners and their boat name will be applied to the cup.

We really do want to get involved with all you owners, so if this is the wrong event, please let us know.

We will be issuing a 2016 event calendar shortly, so if you have some ideas (any location) we’d love to support you.

Invitation copy.jpg

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